
Who am I? A soul unabashedly Catholic. Fed by the beauty of God’s creation. Struck joyfully dumb by the rich symbolism He supplies all around me. Humbled to be able to give expression to these badges of faith in this space. Staying small so that my Savior may carry me through the heavy moments of life. Desiring to scatter seeds of beauty to those in need.

My story can be told through the ugliness of the wretched and ungrateful child who sought beauty and found that it can only be seen in God’s truth revealed in His Son, hidden in His creation and glowing through the transformation in his saints. My prayer is that all may have eyes to see this truth, and a heart that seeks to be born in the fullness of His Truth.

I’m also an expat New Zealander, convert to the Catholic Church, military spouse and mother of three precious boys who is living in her fifth continent (not all who wander are lost). Milkweed Threads is my little endeavor to help contribute to the needs of my family and grow my love of textile art and encourage others in the process. Stay around for the beauty your soul needs in day to day life and stay tuned for my practical pieces that are available for sale from time to time.


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